Is your next order coming too soon? Not a problem! As long as your order has not processed yet, you can change the shipment date at any time.
Moving the shipment date effectively cancels the order, as we only charge you once you’ve checked out. You can typically expect the shipment within 2-5 days; however, ground service with FedEx/UPS is not guaranteed. To get the most up-to-date estimation of when you can expect your order, please follow the tracking information provided.
To change the ship date of your next order, please follow the simple steps below:
- Log into your account here
- Go to the My Club Orders page at the top of the screen
- You can see the date of when your next order will ship
- Click the date to make any changes to the your next delivery
- Select any date from the calendar, and click Save
- You will see the message "Saved! We updated your settings!"
Reminder: Clicking 'Reserve' will lock in your ship date. If you view your wines and click 'Checkout to Reserve', your wines will be reserved and your card will be charged without affecting the shipping date.
To remind you of the date of your automatic checkout, we’ll send you an email notification in advance to let you know your order is about to process. However, once an order has been charged and processed we cannot cancel it as it has already been shipped.
If an order is returned to us, we can reship this to you free of charge! If you would prefer a refund, returns will be subject to a $25.00 restocking fee.
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