We ship our wines directly to you through UPS Ground and FedEx Ground. Packages typically leave the warehouse 1-3 days after the order is processed, and arrive around 2-5 business days later. Note: These are approximate ship dates and you can check tracking number with carrier for most current information. Sign up for SMS to receive text updates about your delivery!
You can also change the carrier on your account if you have a preference between the two. Just visit the "shipping address" section on your account. Then click on the drop down to select which carrier you prefer. If you select "best available" we will pick the carrier who we believe will get the shipment to you quicker.
Won't be home to sign? Not a problem! You can also select a Hold At Location from your account. Select "shipping address" on the left hand bar and then scroll until you see the message below. Then click on the word "here" to search for the Hold at Location closest to you. When picking up from a HAL, be sure to have your ID with you and that the name on the package matches it.
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